Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Textual analysis of Film posters

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) Film Poster
In this film poster the main focus is the main character of the movie, Steve Rogers (Captain America). As opposed to most film posters where the person in focus is making direct eye contact with the viewer, in this film poster the person is facing away from the audience and is looking towards the floor - giving the audience a view of the characters profile. In addition the background of the image looks gloomy and deserted with a small/distant view an iconic building in America. This can be interpreted to be that something has happened and that whatever it is has cause a lot of destruction - meaning that as a result the main character has a solum face. This idea that something bad/upsetting as happened is further enhanced by the darker colours and tones that they have used in the image as there aren't any bright or cheerful colours. As in the previous film poster, the title of the film is in the largest font followed by the date of release and ten the smaller typeface for the details on who the producers are.

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