Thursday, 5 February 2015

Representation of women in the media

Women are constantly objectified in the media, and as a result of 'the male gaze'* they are repeatedly exploited - being used to sell products through sex. Outside of the media, women tend to be looked upon as being maternal and domestic, but as shown in this Dolce & Gabbana perfume advert the media sexualises them to promote the product and encourage people (mostly men) to buy it.
The technical codes of this image are that buying the product - the Dolce & Gabbana perfumes - will cause attractive members of the opposite text to find you desirable and that your sex life will increase.

*'The male gaze' is an idea formulated by Laura Mulvey in 1975 it states that women are turned into sex objects because of how they are portrayed in the media. Only certain body parts are shown for male pleasure. This is fragmentation which leads to objectification.

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