Thursday, 11 December 2014

Textual Analysis - Representation of Age 1/3

The Guardian - Friday 28 February 2014
This piece of text is showing a negative view of the generation of new parents. It highlights the fact that the upbringing of children these days is greatly different to that of previous generations. The article mainly talks about the reason for this being that children in resent years are growing up surrounded by technology and different types of media, meaning that they are learning how to use it before they have learnt any real, necessary life skills. "children ages three to five...66% of children know how to play online games and 62% can turn on a computer, but only 14% can tie their shoes" points out that because the parenting age at the moment are already so absorbed in technology, they seemingly forget that it won't be able to teach their children the important things that they themselves can, but also that they appear either unfazed by the fact that exposing their children to technology can have a harmful effect or that they don't actually realise the damage that adverts or other types of media can have on infants and younger children.
The language used within this article is mainly factual, informing the reader of the risks and apparent danger that there is when children are exposed to technology the way they are. However, the opening of the article is written in a way that sounds almost accusing of parents for seemingly forcing this world of technology and media on their children, "More than 90% of children under two have a digital foot print", this can be seen as the author of the article blaming the parents for the children not being able to escape the 'technology web' so to speak.